Friday, March 18, 2016

High Five for Friday!

  1. My view from the office is brilliant and for some reason it always looks a little nicer on Fridays than it does on Mondays :) 
  2. I am cilantro obsessed! I love it so so so much. I can't wait to try this cilantro pesto recipe soon. 
  3. That's me with my favorite necklace on. I bought it from Forever 21 on a whim a couple of weeks ago and can't bring myself to wear any other necklace since. 
  4. Spending time with Jack is the highlight of my day! Watching him grow and change day to day makes me so happy and reminds me I made the right decision to leave Chicago. 
  5. I can't wait to go to this #SteelCityMeet! I always enjoy going and to make me even more excited the theme is portraits (my favorite thing to shoot)! 

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