1.) This week my dad and I spent some much needed quality time together exploring Pittsburgh like we used to! We walked around the Strip District and took some goofy photos :)
2.) Peanut butter and banana pancakes...they were as divine as they sound and then some. Plus, I washed them down with some good old-fashioned orange juice to make the morning even better!
3.) Within the past year I have become a huge coffee lover! I love Americanos, lattes, and my favorite, flat whites! While in the Strip, my dad and I stopped at an Italian cafe where I got an amazing latte served in the coolest coffee cup ever!
4.) The other day I stumbled upon @studiomucci's Instagram feed! All of their t-shirts are quirky and cool! Plus, these paper tassels caught my eye...I am hoping to do a DIY project to make some for my apartment :)
5.) I love being an Aunt!! It feels as though I get to experience a 'first' with my nephew every week! The most recent being his first time in a swimming pool! It was amazing...he had a blast kicking and splashing around the whole time.
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