Saturday, February 8, 2014

January Round Up

January included a lot of exciting events and I explored so many new places but there are a few that stand out in my mind as being the best!!

Here they are....

My first trip to Regents Park!

My lunch from the Borough Markets...Probably my favourite meal so far!
Exploring Chelsea and walking along the Thames!
Grocery shopping and figuring out what brands I like best for the price! 
And last but not least!! 

Obviously meeting David Tennant. I can't believe this happened at all, let alone the first month I was here!  

What a month it has been! With three months to go, I have only just started to discover London. Stay tuned for more of my adventures and daily life while abroad!

Check out some of my previous round ups here: My semester in Rome and Roman Sweets and Treats

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