Friday, January 29, 2016

Caffeine Kick: Arnold's Tea

Happy Friday!!

I'm back in the Burgh and with that comes finding the best cup of coffee in the city! Luckily, I think I've already found it!  

Arnold's Tea is right on the main drag in Northside and it is huge!! So often local coffee shops seem to have an amazing decor but only a few spots to sit...this place somehow manages to have a super cozy feel while also having TONS of tables. The cozy feel doesn't stop at the decor. The owner behind the bar is so sweet and really accommodating with gluten-free pastries and alternatives options. 

Somehow...all of this was still out-shined by the fact that their plain drip coffee (with a bit of cream) was the best I have ever had!!! And let me tell you I have had a lot of coffee. For any Gilmore Girls fans, as I drank it I thought to myself that it would be what Luke's coffee would taste like. So delicious and addicting, haha. 

I can't wait to go back and drink 1,000 more cups of this coffee and try out their afternoon tea as well! 

Arnold's Tea
502 E Ohio Street
Pittsburgh, Pa 15212

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