Monday, December 16, 2013

I'm ready...but I am not.

This summer all I could think about was going to London. It helped get me through the mundane shifts at Family Video and long bus rides into Oakland twice a week for a night class.

One good thing about my pre-Rome nerves is that I have learned from them.  This time around I have been much more stress free (not 100% stress free but significantly less). I still had to do a lot of work to make sure it happened, but the way I handled the process of going to London was much more relaxed and efficient! 

I have been pinning restaurants to go to, museums to visit, bars to try, etc. I have already practiced packing. I have most of my paper work all sorted out. It seems too know? 

Well, the one thing I couldn't have prepared myself for was the fact that I am going to miss not just my parents, sister, and brother-in-law but also my new nephew! It is crazy to think that when I come back he will be almost six months old. He will have changed so much and I will have missed it. Of course, I will be able to Skype and FaceTime but it will still be so weird. 

I guess four months isn't that long, but this is making me realize what I will be missing if I follow my planned path of moving cross-country or abroad after graduating college. Obviously, my family and I will make it work but it is such an unfair trade-off. I don't want to compromise my dreams or my connection with my family. I don't want to miss a single moment of my nephew's life but I know that isn't realistic...I will just have to enjoy each moment that I do have in person with him :) 

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