Saturday, December 21, 2013

30 before 30

My sister recently told me about the idea of making a list of 30 things I want to do before I turn 30 years old. I thought that the list was going to be easy to make when I started but around  #14 it became difficult. I wanted to make this realistic while also making it challenging! Some of these I know I will do, like #3, some I am already on the road to achieving like #1 and #15, and some are going to be tough to accomplish like #8,  #27, and #29. BUT all of these things are going to make me a better person, they are going to make me into the person that I am currently striving to be and the person I want to be by the time I am 30. 
  1. Graduate college
  2. Go to Grad School
  3. Live in London
  4. Go on a cross-country trip 
  5. Travel to somewhere in Asia
  6. Get my first "real" job
  7. Say "infindy" to my nephew and have him say it back
  8. Run a marathon
  9. Move to a completely new city 
  10. Watch Doctor Who with my nephew 
  11. Write a matter how horrible the writing is, just do it! 
  12. Get a Harry Potter tattoo
  13. Rent my own apartment and decorate it in a style that is all me! 
  14. Get myself a English bulldog or shih tzu 
  15. Buy a DSLR camera and learn how to use it
  16. Have my blog become more popular! 
  17. Dye my hair pink and purple 
  18. Read Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone with my nephew (this might even become nephews and nieces) 
  19. Have my Italian cousins come to the U.S. 
  20. Stay in for an entire weekend and watch all of my favourite movies with someone I love
  21. Go to Hawaii 
  22. Buy a telescope and learn the different stars
  23. Maintain my blog through the years...don't quit! 
  24. Get into healthy habits (I am tired of starting and quitting)
  25. Become a mentor to a young person 
  26. Sit on that rock in Central Park that is in every movie and television show
  27. Meet David Tennant
  28. Go scuba diving 
  29. Help my nephew view women in a equal and caring way 
  30. Cook my family a real Italian dinner like my Zia Dora and Zia Lena, all the courses!!! 

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