Tuesday, October 8, 2013

How things have changed.

Last year this time I was worrying about submitting my visa for Rome, spending time with my roommates, and wondering if I would make friends while studying abroad. 

Now, just a year later so much has changed! I am a soon-to-be Zia (aunt), some of my closest friends are people I met in Rome, I am an intern at a nonprofit, I no longer talk to some of my friends from last year, and am planning a semester in London (still worrying about visas though...some things never change). 

 Last year I thought I would go into corporate America upon graduation and move to NYC. Now I want to study in Seattle and do public affairs! I may even want to run for Congress one day! 

That blows my mind. I can't wait to see where another year takes me. How my goals and dreams will change. How my family and friends will grow and new additions will be added.

I know it is only October and this seems like a New Year's post but today I am feeling extra lucky to be where my life has taken me. 

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