Monday, August 5, 2013

Study Abroad Curse Part ???'s been almost three months since I left Rome. Where has the summer gone? I have been counting down the days until I can move back to school since my plane landed here in May and now it's almost time.

Recently my friend Sophia (my roommate from Rome) visited me. She and I started talking about all the amazing things we did last semester....then we realized how much we actually accomplished. It is ridiculous to think that I traveled Europe and tried so many new things in just four short months. It made me think about what I have done in the three months I have been back.

Yes, I did take two summer classes, worked and visited my friends, but what did I do that I have never done before?? That's what I miss most about Rome...I think. While I was there I did something new everyday. Whether it was walking down a new street, eating a different type of pastry, going into a new shop, or bigger things like traveling to a new city, hearing a different language, or meeting a new friend. I was always pushing myself to new limits and discovering things about not only Rome but about myself.

I have been trying to do the same here in Pittsburgh, but it's a much more difficult task to accomplish in a city that is so familiar to me. That's not to say that there aren't opportunities...I am just used to my usual routine that I forget to push myself.

However, it has been refreshing to show my city to my friends that have visited and made me realize how much I really do love Pittsburgh!

Maybe this isn't a curse after all, but rather a wake-up call! It is difficult to appreciate your day-to-day life at home after you have accomplished amazing things abroad, but I think if we all try then we will live much happier, more exciting lives!

Plus, London is only five short months away!

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