Saturday, January 12, 2013

My morning

This morning was one of the best mornings of my life! I woke up early but stayed and relaxed in bed listening to the cars and people outside. I slowly did my hair (with my new curling iron) and did my makeup because I had the apartment to myself! After I got ready, I walked down to the market. Instead of taking my usual route, I went down another street only to find a small grocery store! I was very excited about how close it was to my apartment. I went into the busy store and got everything I needed. Then, I had to wait in line and think about what I was going to say to the cashier. Thankfully, I understood everything he asked me, paid and left. Next, I went to a cafe/bakery I have been going to everyday and was met with a newly familiar smile. I ordered a pastry and then went to pay. The cashier (who has worked every morning I have gone), smiled and told me how much it costs. Usually I just say 'ciao, grazie' and leave the store, but today I asked him what my pastry was called in Italian, he seemed delighted and pleased that I had asked and he told me the answer (which I have already forgotten). After paying he asked me if I remembered what he had told me and I repeated it, then said 'A domani' (see you tomorrow) and left. Then, I stopped to buy some fresh fruit and ate it in my apartment with  my window open! Now if that is not the perfect morning, I don't know what is!

The amazing morning was followed by an equally fantastic afternoon! As I walked to meet Sophia, I passed a church near my apartment where a wedding was going on! I went in to see the bride but she wasn't ready yet. Even so, it was beautiful, and a fabulous white, old-fashioned car was waiting for the couple outside in the piazza. Then, Sophia and I went for a walk around Campo di Fiori! I bought a new hat and sunglasses, which I feel very chic in!

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